With An Encounter.

The Ramp exists to awaken a generation, so they can live fully activated in their God given purpose influencing their world for His kingdom.
How it all began

After 20 years of ministry, traveling, and singing with some of the greatest ministers of the day, Karen Wheaton moved from Chattanooga back to her hometown of Hamilton, Alabama, and started the Ramp. It was 1998. The group of about 8 young people quickly grew as God opened doors and answered prayers. The Ramp was born in that place of prayer and encounter in the presence of God.

Through Ramp Church, Ramp University, events, and media, the Ramp reaches thousands of people each month with the transforming power of the gospel.

More About Karen

Our Values

  • Presence + Purpose

    The presence of God is real and tangible, made available for us to experience daily. It’s manifested glory— encountering the power and personhood of Jesus. Purpose is the knowledge of what God created an individual to do, reflected in a lifestyle driven by that personal mission.

  • Encounter

    An encounter is so much more than just an event. It’s a paradigm shift with the knowledge of the reality of God that bring tangible expression and personal life change.

  • Freedom

    We believe in creating places and spaces primed with an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit has full reign without restrictions or limitations. This environment breaks restrictions and inhibitions, which allows people to express themselves freely in worship and prayer.

  • Purity of Heart

    The inward posture of an individual’s heart hosts the ability for the Holy Spirit to dwell within them. Saved by grace and redeemed, the personal agendas and ambitions become aligned to kingdom purposes. The driving desire is to bring glory to God and fulfill His calling.

  • Individual Purpose

    People were created with eternity within them, to live with intention and expectation. As hearts and spirits come close to hear God’s leading, the by product is a vibrant, attuned life, inspired by the purpose and call of God for their lives.

  • Shared Vision

    We believe the mandate for the body of Christ is to preach the gospel and fulfill the Great Commission. This happens when every believer connects and supports the Kingdom mission through their individual purpose.

  • Growing in Truth

    Each season of our lives is a continued journey of discovering more of God. We value revelation and application, when combined they unfold an understanding that reveals greater truth.

  • Lives that can be Followed

    We believe individuals can live in such a way that every area of their lives point to Jesus, shining a light for others to follow without reservation.

Our Mission

Awakening is a radical encounter with God, resulting in individual transformation.

Equipping is a revelation based work of the Holy Spirit where personal purpose is revealed within the pursuit of God’s presence.

Sending is God-given inspiration, as a result of awakening and equipping, that charges individuals to engage their world, directly impacting their personal sphere of influence.

What We Believe

  • Transformation
    • We believe one moment in the presence of God can change someone for the rest of their life.
    • We provide an atmosphere through prayer, worship, and ministry where God can be experienced in a tangible way resulting in radical deliverance, total freedom and complete transformation.
    • We desire every person to be impacted, ignited with passion for Jesus and consumed with kingdom purpose carrying transformational power back into their world.
    • We are intentional to passionately celebrate true freedom, removing stigma from the need for repentance, deliverance and restoration.
  • Discipleship
    • We will call our audience to live beyond a conference-encounter and to become a passionate disciple of Jesus every single day.
    • We believe discipleship is the primary method through which believers are brought into a lifestyle of sustained growth, continual maturity and lasting fruit.
    • We believe the world is waiting to see real disciples.
    • We desire to disciple individuals who can then be sent out, equipped, to disciple others.
  • Biblical Preaching
    • We believe that preaching the substance of the word of God causes sustainable transformation.
    • We will preach and teach the word of God with passion, revelation, and a prophetic unction that makes scriptures accessible and applicable to our audience.
    • We desire to see others equipped with sound Biblical teaching that will propel them into their purpose and calling in the Kingdom of God.
    • We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative word of God, which all believers are called to live by.

  • Global Revival
    • We desire to take the message of the gospel to the ends of the earth, awakening and equipping this generation.
    • We believe one person can impact the world and their individual purpose fits into God's global vision.
    • We are intentional to provoke our audience to think beyond their individual spirituality, but to take responsibility for the purpose of God through their lives.
    • We believe people are the reward of Jesus, missions is the heart of God and nations are our inheritance.

Our Team

Samuel and Lauren Bentley

Events Director

Jacob and Lexie Peterson

Ramp Church Hamilton Pastor

Stewardship Director

Matthew and Emma Back

Ramp Worship Directors

Ramp School of Worship Directors

Josh Hollingsworth

RampU Director

Laura Pickard

RU Administrative Director

Spencer and Ashlynne Bell

Associate Director of Worship

RSA Director

Brett and Julie Rayner

RSM Directors

Matt Robinson

Director of Admissions, RML Director



Chosen is a group of young ministers who have set themselves to awaken a generation. They are the Ramp’s ministry team. They work under and alongside Karen Wheaton as spiritual sons and daughters, serving the heart and assignment of awakening.

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Ramp Worship

Ramp Worship

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