Paths of Study


Go deeper in your walk with God and run alongside other passionate pursuers for one academic year.

The One-Year path of study invites students into a vibrant, life-changing season designed for those that want an intensive discipleship experience at any stage of life. Students are immersed in the presence of God, develop unshakeable confidence in His word, and establish rhythms that fuel a lifetime of following Jesus.

Through engagement in foundational Core Curriculum courses, active pursuit in multiple weekly. prayer and worship spaces, and commitment to intentional discipleship and pastoral guidance, students step into their next phase of education, career, or responsibility firmly rooted in their God-given identity.

two-YEAR diploma

Strengthen your walk with God an discover His purpose for your life over the course of two years through deep study, intentional discipleship, and ministry activation.

Students on the Two-Year path of study cultivate deep relationships with Jesus, grow in understanding and love for God's word, walk in integrity in all dynamics of life, discover individual purposes, steward God-given talents, and mature in interpersonal skills through living everyday life connected to community.

Through engagement with the Core Curriculum, specialized development within Schools, and pursuit of God's presence in weekly prayer and worship spaces, students learn to live devotion-focused, purpose-filled lives. Graduates complete the experience firmly rooted in God's identity for their lives and confident in His plans and purposes.

four-YEAR Diploma

Continue to grow through leadership development, specialized courses, and hand-on ministry opportunities.

Built upon the deep internal work within the two-year program, Third and Fourth Year students step into the next phase of ministry training. The knowlege, maturity, and confidence cultivated in two years of discipleship turn into fruitful action and real life responsibilities as students balance deeper study, leadership roles, and one-on-one discipleship.

Through exclusive, advanced coursework, internship within all departments of the Ramp, practicums and specialized learning within declared school, and ministry placements both locally and globally, Third and Fourth Year students are entrusted with responsibility, strangthened in purpose, and thrusted as a laborer into the field.




Ramp University is on the path toward accreditation. We currently have articulation agreements with Oral Roberts University and Southeastern University to transfer up to 12 credit hours of courses within our Core and School Curriculums.
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