Equipping and forming students through intentional
discipleship and deep encounters with God.
It takes more than an education to disciple college students to become leaders of global awakening. The Ramp was birthed out of prayer and will be sustained by prayer. Furthermore, prayer is the key ingredient that makes discipleship effective, fervent, and lasting. Intentional times of prayer and worship are vital for life.
As students grow deeper in their relationship with God, they discover opportunities to lead in multiple prayer and worship spaces happening each week:
Ramp Church plants students in a community of faith. Every week students engage in presence-driven services and participate in hands-on ministry experiences in the context of a local church.
Our mission is to awaken a generation— not only at RampU, but also through our Ramp Conferences. That’s why students help host thousands of young people from around the nation for twelve plus conferences a year as we lead them into life changing encounters with God.
Every student is connected to a system of care and intentional discipleship through Student Life. You have “iron sharpening iron” relationships in Life Groups, trustworthy accountability with Life Group Leaders, and supportive care from the Student Life Pastoral Team.